Monday, June 22, 2009

Sweet 15 (Months)

My 15th month has come and gone and with it, came the start of summer. This isn't really my first summer, but I was just a little kid last summer so I don't remember it. Let me tell you, it is all about F-U-N! We go on the boat, to the pool, I play outside with my friends, swim at the beach, etc etc etc. There is the occasional trip to Wal Mart where I always act like a crazy monkey and throw everything Mommy puts IN the cart back OUT of the cart (Daddy told me to), I insist on constantly having my snack cup (even if said snack cup has no snack in it and ESPECIALLY if snack cup is nowhere in sight), and I do NOT keep my hands and feet inside of the moving cart at all times. Mommy says I'm having a meltdown, but I say, "Mommy, you're at Wal Mart, I'm just helping you blend in."

I'm starting to talk a lot now. Well, I've always been talking but now I'm talking in YOUR language. Most people didn't understand my baby language. I have lots of friends, but one friend is named Ella. She and Scarlett are my BFFs, which is perfect because Ella is SUCH an easy name to say. I'm still working on Scarlett. If you ask me who I went to the beach with, I'll tell you "Ewah" of course! Or if you say, who is your friend "Ewah!" Or if you ask "Who just came over?" I'll tell you "Ewah," even if it was, in fact, Nana. I also say "all done" quite a bit. Sometimes, I just like to say it though...even if I'm not REALLY all done. I can say shoe "ew" and "duck" (which sounds a lot like when I saw dog but the discerning ear knows the difference).

I'm also quite the dancer. Sometimes, if a song is playing (or even if it's not) I have to stop what I'm doing, whether it be eating, playing, riding in the car, bathing, etc, and drop it like it's hot. You never know when I'll feel the urge to bust a move. Dance off anyone? Consider yourself challenged.

Recently I discovered how much I LOVE blueberries. Mommy and Daddy took me to a local farm to pick blueberries and strawberries. I loved carrying the bucket around, although I decided picking them and putting them in the bucket was no fun at all. I'm not sure what it was about my adorable Lilly halter dress, pristine white sandals, and porcelain skin that said...hmmm...this baby was meant for the fields, but Mommy and Daddy sure did think I was going to help them fill up that bucket! But did they have another thing coming! I picked all the blueberries I could reach and popped them right into my mouth! It was difficult to hide the evidence when we were checking out (I MAY have gotten a little over zealous and smeared a little on my face). It was a good thing they didn't weigh me on the way in so they had no idea how many I'd stuffed into my tummy on the way out!

Finally, please be sure to "follow" my blog. This blog isn't like the old one that automatically sent out emails whenever it was updated. You will only get the new entries if you follow the blog. There should be a button you can click on the right that says "FOLLOW." Just click that and fill out what it says. Then you won't miss ONE THING about my exciting life!
Lunch (for me) and cocktails (for Mommy) in Southport

Daddy, I'm pretty sure it is rude to take pictures at the table.
Notice Mommy's purse gets a ride while I do all the manual labor!
I have my own personal pool.

And I LOVE to splash in it!

What? I'm not doing anything naughty!

Ahoy Matey!

I think the beach is AWESOME.

Walk like an Egyptian

Get your hot doughnuts now!!

We went to the local zoo. I'm not sure exactly what type of animal I'm supposed to be in this sign..
Checkin' out the peacock with Scarlett and "Ewah"

PUSH Scarlett PUSH
Hey, I can see China down there...
Well, hellooooo there Ewah

Don't worry Ewah, I'll be your bridge over troubled water...

Working in the fields...

Tuckered out from all that eating...