Monday, February 1, 2010

Month 22

I know it has been SO long since I posted. I mean, I'm practically through my 23 month, busy planning my birthday party, and here I am JUST now updating about Christmas and all that Month 22 threw my way. I feel bad really. I am sure all of my loyal readers have probably been anxiously awaiting my Christmas update, so here it is.

Christmas was so, so, SO great. I know I MUST have been a good girl because Santa must have had to rent a UHaul to bring all of my loot. Mommy and I would play a little game before Christmas. She would say, "Santa comes if you're a..." and I would response "good girl." I didn't really understand what the big deal was, I mean, why would I WANT Santa to come? As far as I could tell, he was just a scary, red faced man that sits around Christmas tree lots. But NOW I get it. The REAL Santa watches me from far, far away and if I'm a good girl alllll year, I get fun presents. I woke up early on Christmas morning, like around 5, but Mommy didn't even mind because SHE was so excited too. She brought me to her and Daddy's bed for a little bit, but then NO one could sleep (except Daddy, he can always sleep) so we made Daddy get up too! Daddy went out into the living room and when he said it was okay, Mommy and I got to go out. I had my" sassy" (paci, duh) in my mouth, but you could STILL see my big grin when all saw all my new toys. And the first word out of my mouth? Baby! Because Santa brought me a new baby and a ton of baby stuff to go with it. After I looked around a little more, the sassy just dropped from my mouth and I hit the ground running. There was so much to see and do, I couldn't play with just one thing...I needed to play with it ALL! I loved on the baby, drew on the easel, and played a melody on the keyboard. And then, THEN I saw something soooo awesome. A TENT. I pink tent, just for me, right in the middle of my living room. Once I got over the amazement of all this stuff sprouting up in my house, I saw a stack of wrapped presents. I wasn't sure what to do at first. However, Mommy and Daddy showed me how to rip the paper off and then I wanted to open ALL my presents right away! And later that morning, I wanted to open Mommy's, and Daddy's, and Nana's and anyone elses that I could get my hands on. I LOVE presents!! I'm going to leave you with some pictures from Christmas. I have more to post about our New Year's ski trip, but that will have to be another entry...those pictures aren't ready yet. (Ummm Daddy...I NEED those pictures!)

Early Christmas Chaos with my Pittman cuzzies...

Opening presents with Mommy and Bailee
What could it be???

Modeling the hat received by a lucky recipient at our parents' White Elephant Exchange...
Playing with my friend Marilyn on Christmas Eve
I can't even wrap my brain around what's going on here...thoughts?
Just a little peek at my loot
First things first - Baby needs a diaper change!
Testing the easel...
Now the keyboard...
And the blocksWow, you're right Daddy, it IS awesome in here!
Even on Christmas, meltdowns happen.
Daddy! You're in here AGAIN? Next year, DADDY gets a Barbie tent!
Having fun with GreatNana