Friday, April 2, 2010

Month 24

"Happy to youuuuu, happy to youuuuu, Happy to Lawwelll, Happy to youuuuu"

That's right, this month I reached the TERRIFIC Twos!! And that's how I serenaded everyone! The Birthday song is now one of my most favorite songs. And if you want me to sing it to you too, I will! Even if it isn't your birthday! Before I get to the birthday festivities, I'll discuss other important thing that happened this month. Also, when if gets to be picture posting time, I'm going to post some pics of our ski trip. Technically, this happened in Month22, I think, but I'm just now getting my paws on the pictures.

In February, we actually got snow! I've seen snow before but never this much right in my own backyard. I was excited to don my ski suit again (and mommy was excited to get another wear out of the $12 suit purchased at a 2nd hand store that she thought I'd outgrow before I ever wore it again). I stuffed my feet into my boots, put my hands in my mittens, slipped on my sunnies (as if I'd leave the house without them), and hobbled out to start building a snowman. My friend Ella's daddy was out of town, so we called Ella and her mommy to come over bright and early and play with us. We built a SUPA big snowman. Well, mostly Ella's mommy and my daddy did the heavy lifting, but Ella and I totally supervised. We found the cold quite invigorating.

So my birthday party was SO amazing and fun. We rented out Fit 4 Fun, which is an insane indoor playspace. I don't know what Disney World is like (I mean, I HAVE been there, but I was just a child then and I don't remember it), but I totally imagine it to be like this. I got to play on ANYTHING I wanted, THEN all my friends sang to me, THEN we ate cake, THEN we got to play some MORE, and THEN they did my most very favorite activity of all!!! THE PARACHUTE. If you aren't fortunate enough to know what that is, I can't really explain it to you. You have to be there to experience the true joy a parachute can provide. My party was on a Saturday, but my REAL birthday was that Wednesday. We just had a little family party then, but my Nana brought me a MICROWAVE. Not a REAL one of course, but that thing brought all festivities to a screeching halt. I had to microwave EVERYTHING, and then microwave it again, and then AGAIN. It took a good hour to convince me to open any more of my presents, and even then, nothing really measured up to THE MICROWAVE. I did get a little stuffed lamb though, and I'm just going to say the question I know all of you are thinking...could this be microwaved? Keep reading for the answer...

Picture time...

Snowy Water View
Surprisingly, it takes very little effort for me to look this cool

Checking out the neighbor's snowman...amateurs.
Improvisational sledding (It's a rubbermaid lid)
Abominable Snowtots
Daddy and Robin working on the snowman, under Ella's and my direction of course
We're bad and we know it...and that's bad in a good way...

Showing off my hard work, it is no easy task directing Daddy and Robin to build a proper snowman!
You can look for this get up in your next issue of Vogue
Trust me, she likes it
See? Hugs before departing. Yes, Ella IS still in her PJs, and no, I'm not wearing pants.
Did you know cakes came this large?
I drove the cars...
And went down the slide...
And played music...
And I LOVED playing in the ball pit!
I mean really, this is FUN!
The gang
It's MY birthday? Awww shucks
Mommy helping with the candle while I lick my lips...

Setting up for the parachute
I got to run under it because I was the birthday girl!
Who cares if my cooking tastes good when I look this cute?
Candle time again (this was the family party)
I LOVE hearing the "Happy Birthday" song!
I thought looking at my icing face in the mirror was hysterical!
Mommy made doggy cupcakes for my school party
As seen here
The class chowing down
My mommy loves me. Why else would she spend 2 hours microwaving tootsie rolls to make doggy cupcake ears?
Hee HeeIn fact, Lambchop CANNOT be microwaved.
Disclaimer per my lawyer's advisement: This is a re-enactment. No stuffed lambs were harmed in the taking of this picture.