Friday, July 24, 2009

I am 16 going on 17....

This is been a super busy month. My guncles finally sealed the deal and are no longer living in sin, we celebrated our country's independence, and of course I did all sorts of cute and adorable things including, but not limited to, introducing my 3rd tooth to the world!

We went to Lexington, VA to help celebrate the guncles nuptials. I can assure you, I was the cutest baby there; well, I was also the ONLY baby there, but even if there had been a MILLION babies I still would have been the cutest...I'm not bragging, you know it's true. It was my first wedding and I had a blast. My favorite part, of course, was the dancing. I could barely be dragged off the dance floor long enough for the mother/son dance. I decided not to sleep much on the car ride up or back home which made for a super time to bond with mommy and daddy...they were thrilled.

For July 4th, we went to visit my grandparents in Oriental. ALL of my cousins and aunts and uncles were there. They have the Croaker Festival on the 4th, and we went this year, just as we did last year. I have my second fever ever so I didn't feel that great, but I did see the parade and even got a little Laurelbug, I mean ladybug, painted on my cheek. I had to skip the fireworks though because I was just too sick.

In other exciting news, I am now somewhat bilingual. I can communicate with all of my deaf peeps. Well, I could at least tell them I want "more." Nana has been trying and trying to teach me to sign "more" and now I can! I must say, it DOES come in handy. I'm also adding to my verbal vocab with the words "baby," "cracker," and "doos" (juice). Right now, crackers and juice are pretty much my favorite things. I'm still dancing up a storm and even do a bit of singing. My own version of the ABC song and Old MacDonald had a Farm are particular favorites. I can also throw away trash on command. I love to open the trash drawer and throw things in it, really I do. I promise it's not because Mommy makes me because she's too lazy to do it herself...not at all. I LOVE to use my own spoon and fork. In fact, if I see those anywhere within a 5 foot radius I get very angry if I can't have them. Do you know what I do if Mommy or Daddy tries to feed me by using the spoon themselves? I just refuse to eat! That's every time! Then they give it to me and I get to do it. I still pretty much don't get to eat because, in case you haven't noticed, it's hard keeping food on those silly utensils. But I never back down from a challenge.

There are a whole lotta pictures from the past month...I'll try to narrow them down for you. Thanks for reading!
My friend Scarlett. We take baths together. We're 1, we can do that.
Guncle Charlie on his Big Day
Rock on snack cup

With Grandpa on Father's Day
That little girl sure is CUTE!
Ohhhh Bubbles (please ignore that Mommy is in her pj's)

Uh Mommy, I'm pretty sure this turtle is hanging on for dear life with you in here...
This is what happened when Daddy left an UNOPENED bag of cookies within my reach...
And THIS is what happened when Daddy decided to share (aka TAKE) my (previously known as his) cookies.
Modeling the dress Mommy made me for July 4th
A little unsure about the strange lady painting my face

Tour de France with Daddy (just kidding it's Tour de Croaker Festival, had you fooled didn't I)

Trying to spot the yummy fried twinkies that Mommy likes

Pushing my new stroller and pretending Puppy is my baby
Meat is murder...yet, surprisingly tasty.
Eating ribs with Daddy caveman style
Hangin' with my girlz
This is what the car dealership set up for us when Mommy got her car serviced
Just kidding, apparently they only roll out this red carpet treatment for Sponge Bob Square Pants, who was also at the dealership that day.

But it sure was fun!

I can feed myself Daddy!

Are you gonna clean this up or what??