Sunday, January 9, 2011

Month 33

It's happened. That baby brother everyone kept telling me about? He's here. And he hasn't left. Apparently, he's going to live with us. Like...forever. In our house. The nurse in the hospital asked me what I thought about him. But like I told her, "I don't know. He just got here!" How can you answer such a loaded question in such a short time of knowing someone? But you know what? He's actually ok by me. He's pretty neat. I think he cries a lot, but mommy says I did too as a baby. I get to hold him and help change his diaper and pick out his clothes. I love to love him. And love him I do. I like to just squeeze him and squeeze him and SQUEEZE him. And give kisses. Lots and lots of kisses. I haven't once asked for him to leave or said I don't like him or been mean to him or ANYTHING. Although I do have a few tips for future siblings to be, if you play your cards right, YOU'LL get presents too when this baby comes. And EVERYONE will tell you what a great big sister you are. And if they don't? Well, I like to remind them by telling them myself!

So here are the stats...Baby Brother's formal name is John Rutson, but we're calling him Jack. He was born at 11:03am on December 8th weighing in at a whopping 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Mommy and Daddy keep saying it's hard to believe I was 2 pounds SMALLER at 6.1, because he seemed pretty tiny! Mommy stayed in the hospital for 2 days. They said she could leave after one but she told them something about them needing to get the jaws of life to get her out so they said she could stay one more night. I got to visit her which was pretty cool. Baby brother brought me presents and one night I even wore my jammies and watched Wizard of Oz in the bed with Mommy. The nurses brought me popcorn too. Kind of like the movies, only instead of $10 for popcorn, it's like $ $20 for a napkin.

I don't really have time to write much more right now. I'm KIND OF busy you know...what with a new baby in the house and all. So I'll leave you with pics...lots and lots of pics. And next month, I'll give you the low down on Christmas and this Santa guy...

Picking out our tree
Decorating with Daddy...I help him reach the high parts of the tree
Telling Santa about the pink car and Princesses that I want for Christmas!
Airlie Lights

Just like the Polar Express!

Father and Son
Baby brother brought me a coloring book, camera and dolls!
Checking him out from a safe distance...

Instant can just barely see the little smile on my face

The first kiss...followed by many, MANY more!

Snuggling and introducing Jack to the Wizard of Oz!

He probably tooted...I get a big kick out of that...

I refused to put him down. Even to eat popcorn.

Getting ready to take him home!

All dressed up and too tired to go!

Look what the stork dropped off!

I think this is what they call a cluster &@#$

Baby Brother's 1st night home. He was crying so I let him hold my princess.

Riding bikes with cousin Sophie

Naughty Elf

Ta Da!!